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Hint: Which rod can you fit five times along the length of the orange rod?
Hint: Use three identical rods that each represent one-fifth (15).
Hint: Which rod can you fit 10 times along the length of the orange rod?
Hint: 35 + 110 = 710
Move the rod that represents one-tenth (110) next to rods that each represent one-fifth (15).
Hint: 71025 = 310
Move the purple rod above your model for seven-tenths (710). Remove the red or white rods that take up the same space as one purple rod.
Hint: How many yellow rods can you fit along the length of the orange rod?
Hint: Choose a rod that can fit twice along the length of the rod that represents one whole.
Hint: There are many fractions you can model. Try to model 13, 34, and 59.

You can model a fraction by stacking two or more Cuisenaire® Rods.

If the orange rod represents the number one whole, which rod would you use to represent one-fifth (15)? If the orange rod represents the number one whole, how would you model three-fifths (35)? If the orange rod represents the number one whole, how would you model one-tenth (110)? Place your models for three-fifths (35) and one-tenth (110) on the grid. How would you represent the addition of these two fractions? Using one purple rod, place a model for two-fifths (25) on the grid. How would you represent the subtraction 71025? What fraction of the orange rod does the yellow rod represent? Use a red, purple, or brown rod to represent one whole. How can you represent one-half (12) of the rod you chose? What other fractions can you model using these Cuisenaire Rods?

Drag the Cuisenaire Rods onto the grid

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